
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Real people-Real Results (Bianca Valentim)

I wanted to start motivating people to get into a healthier lifestyle and had a asked a friend for help. She suggested we do a interview, which I thought was amazing.. REAL PEOPLE, that made the decision and changed their lives around... This is so exciting, I want to jump up and down like a little girl and scream lol. So since she suggested the idea I want her to be my first interview! Bloogers & cherished followers meet Bianca Valentim... Aside from being an amazing photographer, she's also a hardcore health nut.. She went from never running to now training for a triathlon!!! Enough of me talking... on to our interview!
Gigi: How would you describe your health life before you decided to change?
Bianca: Lazy, dis motivated, depressed, low energy and very bad eating habits.
Gigi:What motivated you to become healthier?
Bianca: I started to work out with a personal trainer May last year to loose weight. It helped a lot and made me stronger. But I wanted more. Working out only for fitness wasn't working anymore.
That's when my brother talked me into running my first 10K (half marathon relay with Jonatas). He told me I could do it. I would only need to train hard and eat better. He believed in me and that's what made everything change.
I started training, eating and sleeping better. My brother would call me everyday to ask how was my training, what I eat and how I was feeling. He would give me tips and advice. He still does that. I ran the race and finished strong with a smile on my face and after that I wanted more, more of that feeling!! So I kept training and ran my very first half marathon on March 20th only 6 months after m first 10k and now I'm training for my first Triathlon race. So what motivated me to become healthier was my brother!! It's not about loosing weight anymore. It's about health and performance.
Gigi: How long did it take you to get used to running?
Bianca: Let's say about 6 months. I started training for my first 10K only a month before the race. I did good but everything was still pretty new to me. I started to feel more confident about running in the middle of my half marathon training program. But the key is having a training schedule to follow. It makes everything easier.
Gigi:What made you want to train for a triathlon?
Bianca: I have this dream to be a triathlete for years. I have no idea why. I guess I thought it was cool and hard core and I wanted that! lol
But it was only a dream. 'One day I will became a triathlete.' - Then after I got used to running and realized it wasn't bad at all (I was pretty scared about running before, always thought it was impossible for me) I could finally see myself doing a triathlon. I love to swim and ride the bike. So I decided it was time to make my dream come true! It still in the process. I just got my bike and the real hard core training it's only beginning.
Gigi: What's your favorite work out?
Bianca: Swim. I just love being under water. I can't even explain what I feel. It's so good!!!!! I don't even mind the chlorine on my hair. lol
Gigi: What is the most challenging thing for you when it comes to sticking to a healthy lifestyle?
Bianca: Eating right. I'm doing much better than before but there still lots of room for improvement. It's trickier when training. You need very good nutrition and good calories. You can't diet. But I'm very lazy in the kitchen and preparing my own meals is always a big challenge. I need some help, please! :)
Gigi: Do you think anyone can do what you're doing?
Bianca: Oh YES!!! I'm telling you. If I can do it anyone can!!!
Like I said before I was pretty lazy. I would eat brownies and ice cream almost everyday and not workout for months.
We all just need to find something or someone that motivates us and help us keep in track.
Gigi: Do you ever see yourself going back to your old habits? (not working out, eating right)
Bianca: NO!!! It scares me just to think about it.
I ask God for heath and no injuries to be able to keep racing and have fun. I'm a much happier person now and everything is much more exciting!!
Gigi: What are your goals, aside from completing your first triathlon?
Bianca: My goal is to finish an IRONMAN within 3 years. Run the NYC Marathon next year. Eat better. Be more healthier. Get faster. And have lots of FUN!!!
Gigi: What would you say to someone who has never had a healthy lifestyle, and is ready for change?
Bianca: I would say that living a healthier and active life is so much more fun and exciting! It make you happier and puts you in a better mood. It's totally worth it the hard work!
It's not easy but if you have a support group or something that motivates you daily you CAN DO IT!
Find friends that will help you make better decisions. Make fun plans with them. Start a blog to keep track of your hard work and motivate other people. Join dailymile.com.
Day by day. If you went off the track today, don't feel bad. We all have our days. Just start fresh tomorrow!
If you want to start running, register yourself on a race. A 5K or 10K. Start following a training program. You only need about 2-4 months to train. Log your workouts... and before you know it you will be running a marathon!
Any motivational words or quotes?"People say that motivation doesn't last. well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily" - zig ziglar
"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
Gigi: How does your healthier and active lifestyle impacts in your personal life?
Bianca: It's a big change for me and it's working good. This new lifestyle is definitely helping me in all areas of my life. I finally found a balance. My mind is always fresh so I get more creative and I can do my work better.
My energy levels are high so I get more done in less time. My anxiety is now lower than before. I feel more confident and smiles more :)
I'm definitely a changed person but there is lot's to learn and get better. I have to thank God for all the strengthen He gives me everyday. I wouldn't be able able to do it all without Him.
Gigi, Thank you so much for this interview. I feel very honored.

CHECK OUT BIANCA'S BLOG: http://biancavalentimblog.com/
CHECK OUT HER TRAINING BLOG: http://b-3sportsblog.com/


Anonymous said...


Thank you so, so much for this opportunity.
It's a honor for me to do an interview for your blog. This is awesome!
I was so excited when you asked me!!! Yay!
Thank you!!!

Please know that you are doing a wonderful job and you ROCK!!!! You motivate me everyday!!!! :)

Alicyn said...

What a great interview! So inspiring!

Gilbert said...

WOW really cool!! both of you are doing an outstanding job!! keep up the great work!!

Jo said...

Bianca is such an inspiration! Great post!

Deborah Evelyn said...

This is amazing... seriously!

Anonymous said...

There is no instant gratification in abdominal exercise and it can seem very unrewarding at time. The winners in this sport stick a process, regardless of the outcome they receive. Even on the worst days, you have to get up and do the necessary work to be successful.