So here we are at day 60 of my P90X journey! I slacked off a bit, but now I am all back on track. On my previous post I also mentioned how I had to take it easy due to some health issues and doctors orders. I didn't think I would get to this point, but I am here, pushing it! Although this marks 60 days I since I started P90X, I feel like I have some making up to do,but I wanted to post the update anyway. I haven't seen major changes since my last photo update, the scale is still the same, inches are still the same. I have this side of me that wants results now, but remember we always have to be realistic. Rome wasn't built in 1 day! Although my physical changes aren't huge, I feel great. I have more stamina, endurance, and energy. Eventually the outside will reflect the inside, the important thing is to not give up. I still struggle with some of the weight training and the long yoga but I feel allot better than day 1. I am learning one thing with this experience which I feel is fundamental for a healthy lifestyle! I am learning that how you feel inside is far more important than how you look on the outside. When we have self confidence and "love the skin we're in" automatically, it does not matter if we don't have the Shape magazine cover body! Exercising and eating healthy, does wonders on how we feel about ourselves, which then creates a ripple effect on how we look, and how we carry ourselves as well. It also motivates us to keep bringing it! So on my 60 day journey I wanted to share not so much a physical accomplishment, but more of a emotional one. I am still not where I want to be, but, I am loving every minute of it! So here are my photo updates:
And here are my measurements.. They have been the same since day 30:
Waist: 36 inches
Hips: 40 1/2 inches
Bust: 36 inches
Thighs: 25 inches
Weight: 145.2